Mp3Doctor 5.1

Mp3Doctor is the ONE AND ONLY software specialy designed to improve/modofy/fix/repair your Mp3 or Wav files.
The philosophy of Mp3Doctor is to bring to the home or professional user a SIMPLE and EASY way to manipulate in a very accurate and advanced way the sound files without the need to be an expert in audio.
Now everyone could give some make-up to his sound files before burning a CD or just to have a standarized set of Mp3 or Wav files.
Specialy the music downloaders (Morpheus, Kazaa, Napster, etc) suffer the situation of having very different quality files with different volumes, qualities, eqalizations, untrimmeds, etc.
Now Mp3Doctor will help you to mantaind and IMPROVE your music collection.
The NORMALIZE, TRIM, RESAMPLE, ENCODE & DECODE features could be done either in SINGLE MODE or in BATCH MODE.
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Super Normalize
The Normalize Methods 3 and 4 (called Super Normalize) are the default ones and we recommend you to use this ones.
This optimized feature let you adjust the level of any Mp3 or Wav to standardize ALL your files, but it offers too the possibilitie to change the dynamic level 'inside' the song. This means that the low every part of a song will be normalized to raise the highest value possible without distortion.
Howev er, if you feel that some peeks are too loud once a file was normalized, then you can make some fine adjustements to correct this.
Go to the OPTIONS windows and change the Dynamic Range to a lower value (just a bit). Per example: If the dynamic range was on 85% then put it on 80% or 75% and try again.
The Normalize level must be used carefully, by default its value is 140%. This means that the highest amplification on any part of the file will by a 40% (other parts will have less amplification depending on several factors, like dynamic range, etc).
If a file is too low, you can try a different Normalize level, maybe 150 or 160, etc.
Methods 1 & 2
Normalize Methods 1 & 2 are in only recommendable if methods 3 or 4 dosent gives desire results.
Then, if you NORMALIZE all your Mp3 or Wav files, you will get a STANDAR volume for them.
Of course, if a file has a part with a low level and a part with volume peeks, then the calculation will amplify the file to the maximum possible level of the peeks...
In the OPTIONS menu you can adjust the level of the NORMALIZATION, from 0 to 200. Where 0 to 99 means low the volume, 100 means get the 100% without distortion and from 101 to 200 means to amplify the level (with the risk of distortion).
BIAS adjust is recommended to set in TRUE
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This feature let you delete the leading and end silence of a song.
There are TWO different METHODS for Mp3Doctor:
You can adjust the next settings in the OPTION window:
Percent - Is the percent of
Leading Db silence- Is the level on wich a sound will be considered silence at the start of the song.
End Db Silence- The same level to be considered silence at the end of the song.
In some cases this values could be modified if at the start or end of a song there are some 'silence' to be deleted but its not really a digital absolute silence (has some hiss, etc). If you change it, remember to set it again to -21 when you trim other files or the result could be erroneus
Start position and end position means the limit on wich Mp3Doctor will scann looking for silence, recommended are 10% and 90%.
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Resample feature let you adjust CHANNELS (mono or stereo), QUALITY (high, medium and low), BITRATE (from 0 kbs to 320 kbs) and SampleRate (from 6,000 to 48,000 hz) - a CD has 44,100 hz-.
The rule are very simple:
More BITRATE and SAMPLERATE = MORE quality = MORE disc space used
Less BITRATE and SAMPLERATE = LESS quality = LESS disc space used
The most common settings are 128,000 kbs and 44,100 Hz in Stereo.
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A new feature of Mp3Doctor, a very powerfull one !!.
EQUALIZE let you control the sound, the quality, the atmosphere and the 'color' of your music!
But since its very powerfull, we need to used with care.
Thats why we don't include it on the BATCH mode, because we think that its not really logical to process a batch of files using the same equalization settings.
Because you need to listen everyfile BEFORE deciding the settings of the sliders.
EQUALIZE are some kind of volume adjust, but the volume og each band of frquencies are adjusted separated.
Then you need to DETECT wich frequencies need to be adjustd in everyfile.
Per example:
One file could be dramatical IMPROVED by adding HIGH FREQUENCIES if the sound are a little opaque or the recording are an old one (Elthon John and Kiki Dee - Don't go breaking my heart sound REALLY GREAT after using the bright setting!!!)... but maybe a new recording (DDD) not only need high frequencies... maybe some BASS could add POWER !!!
Now your files will sound different from the regular ones !!,
I equalize Abba-Fernando with ROCK preset and its really really great !!, now i perceive sounds that before i even don't notice at all !!, im really pleased with the result...
Remember that music is an ART and equalizing is a part of this ART.
In fact a very important part of each recording production is the EQUALIZATION, musicians and recording labels pay a lot of money to get the best studios... and a very important part is the equalization ones !!!
In the past years the developer of this software works as a recording engineer and applies his experience to develop Mp3Doctor trying to give the user the best tool to get the BEST QUALITY of your music.
Then take a time to listen your file... the EQUALIZE it and listen the result... maybe the first time your equalization will not be a good one... try again, Mp3Doctor dosen't change your original file, for protection it creates a new EQUALIZED one, then you have chance to try and try again... then you will become a good one.
Your Mp3s will sound better that another ones... trust in your feeling and trust in what you hear !!!
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Encode is the feature to convert from WAV to MP3.
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MP3 to WAV.
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This mode allow you to process INDIVIDUAL files, adjusting the setting for ech one.
EQUALIZE mode ONLY could be processed in SINGLE mode because the Frequency Parameters depends on every file, it will be dangerous if you use the same Frequency Parameter for all your files since this parameter depends on the specific sound, quality, instruments, atmosphere, color, etc. of each song.
Its not a good practice to use the same parameters for ALL your files in the EQUALIZE feature.
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BATCH MODE allow you to process multiple file for NORMALIZE, TRIM, RESAMPLE, ENCODE & DECODE features.
The purpose of BATCH is to process a set of files trying to standarize it, per example:
If you have very different BitRate and SampleRate Mp3s downloaded from Internet (as happens if you download), the most recommendable is to 'uniform' your files adjusting the Sample & Bitrate.
Of course that normalizing and trimming it is almost INDISPENSABLE.
In BATCH mode you can load the name of the files to be processed one by one or taking all the files from one folder or even load it from a winamp playlist.
Please notice that it may ocurrs that some playlist will not be compatible with Mp3Doctor, since the format of the PlayList could change. Winamp 2x should be compatible in most cases.
Notice that if a song name contains a comma, it could be loaded wrongly since the Window's tabs sre comma delimited. Then we recommend to avoid the usage of commas in the name of the songs and files.
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This feature must be considered as a Bonus of Mp3Doctor.
Why? Because its on a BETA TESTING stage. In the other hand, because we CAN NOT GUARANTEE that will remove the vocals of every song.
As every Vocal Remover, its success depends ON the file itself. Some files has less vocals effects and then will be easier to remove it. Another recording could lost other sounds when trying to remove vocals.
Hoever, we feel that can be good to include this feature, but with no warranty at all.
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This features (Tempo & Pitch adjustement) are another Bonus features of Mp3Doctor that are only in a TESTING stage of development and dont have WARRANTY of any kind.
The Tempo feature let you to change the BPM of a song. In straight words it let you change the tempo of any song without changing the pitch.
This feature is frequently used to simulate some remix version.
If you take some song and change the tempo in a 25%, then it could song like a new rythm version. Soe song s will sound nicer than others and this only depends on subjective opinions. There are not a mathematical way to evaluate if a song sounds better or not.
A very usefull use of this feature is to change the tempo of a song to make it similar to the tempo of another one and then you can mix it using some DJ software/hardware
Ina near future we will add this remixing feature to Mp3Doctor.
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This feature let the user to change the pitch without changing the tempo of a song.
A lot of people uses to change the pitch so thery could easily sing it. You can adjust by a small value and theb obtain the song a few tones higher or lower.
If you are a Karaoke user this feature could be ideal for you.
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Q- When im trying to run Mp3Doctor in my PC i get a prompt telling me for some files that are not present in my system. What can i do?.
A- As some of our files where compiled in C++, there are some dependencies needed to run, but we don't distribute it since almost all PCs already have it (Explorer uses it!).
This files are:
If- for some reason- your system dosen't have it, send us a mail and we send it to you.
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Q- How speed are Mp3Doctor?
A- So speed, read this:
Decode (Mp3 to wav) in a 3:30 song - 30 seconds
Encode (Wav to Mp3) in a 3:30 song - 90 seconds
Trimm 3:30 Mp3 song - 90 seconds
Trim 3:30 wav song - 45 seconds
Resample 3:30 Wav Song - 38 seconds
Resample 3:30 Mp3 song - 78 seconds
and so on
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Q- But in my PC the timings are different, why?
A- There could be some reasons:
i) You may have intensive CPU process running (spyware, antivirus or anyother software permanently running)
ii) You may have low disc space or low available RAM
iii) Old PC or old/slow CPU
In the case of Spyware run some software as Ad-aware
About many software running check if you have many programs running using Ctrl + Alt + Del
One tip: if you have many icons in the SysTray... you have many programs permanently running and slowing your PC.
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Q- When i try to trim or normalize i see that Mp3Doctor are 'fixing' my file, what does this mean?
A- Mp3Doctor manipulates files in 16 bit, 44,100 hz... so if it detects a file in other format, it changes or corrects this format before attempting to process it, its normal.
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Q- After every BATCH the program ask me if i want to see the LOG, what is this?
A- Mp3Doctor gives you a report of the BATCH behavior.
If is difficult to check it in the small LOG window you can save it and check it in NotePad.
In the log you can check if any file was reported as ERROR or sucessfully processed.
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Q- When i EQUALIZE my file i get some distortion ┐does your software distort my music?
A- No, as we explain in the HELP file, Equalize is a sort of amplification of certain frequencies, then if you give to much gain to a frequency that has already a big value you can distort your file.
To avoid this, use the SECURE METHOD and -if nedeed- go to the OPTIONS window (equalizer tab) and select ATENUATE and NORMALIZING before equalizing.
What we are doing using ATENUATE and NORMALIZING?
With ATENUATE we are -as the name says- atenuating the file before attempting to equalize it (since equalize manipulate the volume of certain frequencies) and then, after equalizing we are NORMALIZING the file to get the best and maximum volume possible with out distortion.
If your file continue resulting like distort, check first if the original one are not distortioned, and then equalize it again with less gain in the distortioned frequency.
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Q- There is some EXPERT method for equalize ┐Can you explain me what is this?
A- The only difference is that we don't protect the possible distortion by making calculations about volume gain.
In the NORMAL method, Mp3Doctor calculates the maximum gain in every frequency and do a level correction trying to prevent possible distortion.
However, for some reason, if the user really know what hes doing, he could equalize directly without protection... by hes own risk of course !!
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Q- I move the STEEP in Equalize and now im getting a 'noisy' file
A- In sound manipulation we have some principle:
If you move some setting that you don't understand you can have unexpected results.
Steep are about the amplitude of the frames to be affected by the gain of certain frequency.
Sound complicated? Its complicated. But Mp3Doctor is a very easy to use software, targeted to non-professional-audio users, then we add some advanced possibilities without making it complicated.
Then, we recommend small values for Steep, but if you want psyco results try large ones.
Q- I have some 32kbs Mp3 and i cant use Mp3Doctor with them... why?
You are right.
At the moment Mp3Doctor dosent support mp3s with a very low quality settings.
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If some question isn't here send an email to:
or directly to author's email:
We don't speak too much english as you may notice, but get sure that we will correct this file if you report some errors or if you help us :)
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